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Q: Who oversees the safety of cosmetics?
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What regulatory agency guarantees our safety on airplanes?

While it is not possible to completely guarantee anyones safety on an airplane, the name of the regulatory agency which oversees aircraft operation is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the regulatory agency which oversees transportation safety is the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

What government agency oversees safety in the work place?

In the US, it would have to be the Occupational Health and Safety Administration of OSHA.

What is WISHA?

WISHA stands for Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, which oversees workplace safety and health in Washington State. See link below.

Who regulates safety of meat and other agricultural products?

DEFRA in the UK, oversees Environmental, Food and Agricultural issues.

Who regulates safety standards for patients in hospital?

The Department of Health- who licenses and oversees hospitals. Other agencies, such as the Food & Drug Administration, may oversee drug safety.

What does the federal motor carrier safety administration oversee?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a division of the Department of Transportation, oversees commercial shipping and transportation on the highways of the US. This includes buses and trucks.

What is the homophone of oversees?

The homophone for oversees is overseas

Functions of osha?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, oversees working conditions in America and makes sure they meet the requirements for safety. Their role is to protect the health and safety of workers.

What rhymes with oversees?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word oversees.

What branch of government oversees the courts?

The Judiciary oversees the courts.

Which of the following is responsible for ensuring the safety of a wide range of products in the marketplace including food medicines cosmetics and tobacco?

Food and Drug Administration

Why do cosmetics get tested for human safety?

Because unsafe cosmetics have killed people. The product that really got safety testing going was a permanent mascara called Lash-Lure. It was made out of fabric dye. If it got in your eye during the Lash-Lure service it would dissolve - seriously, DISSOLVE - the eye. This caused serious infections and several people died.