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Paolo Uccello

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Floyd Smith

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Q: Who painted the large three scenes called the Battle of San Romano?
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Who painted three scenes called the battle of san romano?

Paolo Uccello painted the three scenes called the Battle of San Romano. It was a battle between Sienese and Florentine forces in 1432.

Who painted large scenes called the battle of san romano?

Paolo Uccello

Painted three large scenes called the battle of san romano?

Paolo Uccello OVJ ROCKS Winnipeg,MB

Who painted a picture called twilight?

With such a common subject matter there is no way to tell, many artists have painted scenes named 'Twilight'. There is a link below to an online database of artists and artwork.

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They painted colorful landscapes and scenes of a happy lower class. (APEX)

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He painted the religious scenes with accurate human anatomy and movement

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