

Who pays for college more often parents or students?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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83%students pay for they're own tuition and parents pay for it only 17% of the time

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Q: Who pays for college more often parents or students?
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Well as a result of increasing decrease in most economical GDP having a job before college will make students more able to pay off fees without having to disturb parents for money 💰

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Some landlords require a cosignature on a lease if the lessee does not hold full time employment, aka college students. In most situations yes. Going off to college is deemed to be an extenuating experience for the child, that the parents pay for but in certain situations like if you have a dependant or you are over the age of 25, you can apply for student apartments if they are available, and most campuses allow for "independent" students to apply on their own because independent students are eligible for more financial aid than dependant students. If you desire to live off campus though, most complexes need the approval of your parents i.e. cosigning.