

Who pays for state tax stamps when selling?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Who pays for state tax stamps when selling?
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The state pays the property tax.

I live in n.j selling car to person in Canada who pays sales tax.?

Buyer pays sales tax unless the seller agrees to pay the tax as part of the deal.

What is cigarette stamps?

Stamps that represent a tax put in place but the state of which it is sold. Most stamps are transfered by means of heat.

Do you pay for unemployment in Indiana?

No, the employer pays it through a payroll tax to the state.

Do you pay sales tax on a used car in Georgia if you buy it from an individual out of state?

The buyer pays the sales tax.

What is Net Selling Price?

The gross sales priceis the price that the customer pays, including sales tax. Thenet sales priceis the price without sales tax.

What determines whether an entity pays regular income tax or AMT?

Corporations determine whether an entity pays regular income tax or Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Most state income taxes are determined on the same tax year as the federal tax year.

Who pays sale tax?

The person who is buying the product pays the sales tax.

Who is responsible to pay tax when selling a car privately?

As far as sales tax the buyer pays this. When there is a sale between two private parties, the buyer is responsible for paying the sales tax owed to the state and local taxing authorities. In most states this tax is collected by the taxing authority or tag agency when the vehicle is registered in the name of the new owner.

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Who pays for the National Guard?

The National Guard is paid for with a combination of federal and state tax dollars.