

Who plasters a broken limb?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The Doctor Who plasters broken bones is orthopedic doctor.

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Q: Who plasters a broken limb?
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Is a broken limb and inherited trait?

no not at all unless you are missing a limb at birth in that case probably

How can the body can keep microbes out?

plasters - no. plasters ahhh. no. white blood cells. thats it. not plasters? DONT PUT PLASTERS DOWN.

Why are plasters blue?

plasters are blue so that it can be detected while cooking

What is an object and secured to an injured limb in a manner that will keep a broken bone from moving?

a cast

What is the meaning of splints?

Thin sticks or rods, specifically when used to support a broken limb.

How do you use the word limb in a sentence?

IDK, The limb in my right leg was hurt?Well, Close, a Limb isn't a part of a leg, but what it actually is.Your arm is a limb, your leg is a limb."A monkey has four Limbs."

What is the basic job of plasters for wounds?

Plasters were used before band-aids were developed.

How do you help injuries from materials found in the forest?

If you have a broken limb, you could get a strong piece of wood put it beside the broken limb and take some flexible vines and tie it around the wood and the limb to keep it sturdy.If you are bleeding, you could take some leaves, tear a piece of your clothes and tie it around the area that is bleed to stop it.

What is an object applied and secured to an injured limb in a manner that will keep a broken bone from moving?

A splint.

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Some reptiles can regenerate. Lizards have been known to regrow tails, arms, and legs.

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