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The character of Q is portrayed by English actor Ben Whishaw in the James Bond film Skyfall (2012).

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Mary Runte

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The character of Q is portrayed by English actor Ben Whishaw in the James Bond film Skyfall (2012).

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Yes..."Q" was played by actor Ben Whishaw.

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The painting viewed by James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Q (Ben Whishaw) in Skyfall (2012) at the National Gallery is English artist J. M. W. Turner's The Fighting Temeraire(more formally known as The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up), 1839.

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This question has already been answered.

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James Q. Wilson died in 2012.

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James Q. Miller was born in 1926.

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James Q. Reber died on 2003-01-16.

When was James Q. Reber born?

James Q. Reber was born on 1911-07-16.

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James Q. Wilson was born on 1931-05-27.

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Charles Robinson - James Bond - was created in 1997.

What does q in James Bond stand for?

Q is short for Quartermaster.