

Who purchased Florida from Spain for 5 million dollors?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Who purchased Florida from Spain for 5 million dollors?
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Florida was purchased from who?

Florida was purchased from Spain.

Which state did US purchased from Spain for 5 million dollars in 1877?


Which of its states did us purchase from Spain for 5 milllion in 1819?

In 1819, the US purchased Florida from Spain for $5 million.

Which states the US purchase from Spain for 5 million dollars in 1877?

The US did not purchase any foreign lands in 1877. In 1819, the US purchased Florida from Spain for $5 million.

What US states are made from land purchased from Spain?

FLORIDA is the only US state made completely from territory purchased from Spain, but parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana come from the same chunk of land that the US purchased from Spain when the US purchased Florida.

What land did America purchase from Spain?

Florida was purchased from Spain in 1819. It was negotiated by John Quincy Adams would was Secretary of State at the time.

How did the U.S. gain Florida from Spain?

Spain sold Florida for $5 million, known as the Adams-Onis Treaty.

What year was Florida by Spain?

We got Florida from Spain in 1819 with the Adam-Onis Treaty with 5 million dollars.

When was the state of Florida purchased?

John Quincy Adams the U.S. Secretary of State signed the treaty that signaled the purchase of the Florida territory.

What caused control of the Philippines to pass from Spain to the US?

The US purchased it from Spain for $20 million.

How much did Spain sell Florida to America for?

$5 million

Which state was purchased by US from Spain?

The US aquired the state of Florida from Spain in the US-Spain treat of 1819 which came into affect in 1821.