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Q: Who ratifies treaties the house of Representatives or the Senate?
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Do the house and the senate both have to ratify a treaty negotiated by the president?

The senate ratifies treaties with a two third majority.

Unique responsibilities for the senate?

The US Senate confirms the President's appointments of Cabinet members, federal judges and ambassadors. The Senate ratifies treaties the President makes with other nations. It also conducts the trials of any government official impeached by the House of Representatives.

Can the president make treaties with other nations if they are approved by the senate?

The President does not make treaties. Congress does. This includes the Senate as well as the House of Representatives.

What power does the House of Representataives have with foreign treaties?

The House of Representatives has no power with regard to foreign treaties. Treaties with foreign government are negotiated by the President subject to the advice and consent of the Senate only.

What is a duty of the House of Representatives but not senate?

Voting on treaties the president makes creating tax laws apex :)

What is a duty of a senate but not the house of representatives?

Voting on treaties the president makes creating tax laws apex :)

Who has the power to approve or disapprove treaties?

The Senate is responsible for either approving of a treaty or rejecting it.

What are the 2 houses of congess?

Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

What are two parts of the U.S. Congress?

The Senate and the House of Representatives

What are the 2 branches of congress?

The House of Representatives and the Senate

Doe the president have the power to make treaties subject to a majority vote of the House of Representatives?

No, the US Constitution requires that treaties be approved by 2/3 vote of the Senate.

Who is responsible for confirming or rejecting presidential appointees and treaties?

Congress votes on and confirms or denies Presidential nominees and or treaties Congress being the Legislative branch of American Government comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate.