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Keyshawn Walter

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Q: Who reconciled the feud between townspeople and Odysseus?
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Who reconciled the feud the townspeople and Odysseus?


How did the Greeks decide who would receive Achilles armor?

The fate of Achilles' armor was the source of a feud between Odysseus and Ajax the Greater. They both gave speeches extolling their bravery to the Trojan prisoners and they, in the end, decided that Odysseus was more deserving. Ajax cursed Odysseus, which angered Athena, and he eventually killed himself in grief. Odysseus eventually gave the armor to Neoptolemus, Achilles' son.

How do you use feud in a sentence?

The word feud is used to explain a situation such as when two parties are clashing, arguing or fighting. An example is "The two political factions started to feud when the peace agreements were breached".I'm not interested in starting a feud.

What is blood feuds?

A blood feud is a feud between clans or families.

How can you use the word feud in a sentence?

The long-standing feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys is an historical fact. Stop the feud now! Those families are involved in a feud!

What is the feud between Soulja Boy and the New Boys?

the feud between them is they think cause souljaboy isn't using profanity that he isn't raping

Is there really a feud between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson about jealousy?

No there isn`t it was only on twilight that they had the feud.

What event restarted the feud between the grangerfords and the shepherd sons?

The feud between the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons reignited when a Shepherdson eloped with a Grangerford, leading to a war breaking out between the two families.

What is a bitter prolonged quarrel between families?


Can you give me a sentence using the word feud?

A feud is an ongoing disagreement between two or more people, families, or countries.

What was the feud about between Jack Klugman and Norman Fell?

There was no feud. The whole thing was a hoax perpetrated by both men. A joke.

What was the source of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons?

The source of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons is never fully explained in Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." It is portrayed as a longstanding conflict between the two families, rooted in a sense of honor and pride. The reason for the feud remains a mystery and highlights the absurdity and senselessness of violence and feuds.