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Reverend Edmund Cartwright

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Q: Who replaced hand operated loom to produce woven cloth faster?
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Related questions

Who replaced the hand made Indian cloth?

Machine-made textiles from Britain and other European countries replaced hand-made Indian cloth during the Industrial Revolution. These machine-made textiles were cheaper and faster to produce, leading to a decline in demand for Indian hand-woven fabrics.

Does air go through cloth or plastic faster?

It goes through cloth faster.

A cloth spun from the flax plant?

Flax is used to produce linen cloth.

Does sound travel faster through steel or cloth?

sound travels faster through steel

How do you get rid of pilling on sheets?

There are battery operated cloth or sweater shavers available from fabric and discount stores.

How do you make a wet plate dry faster?

If you want to dry your plate faster use a clean cloth.

Why a tiled shower feels colder than a cloth bath mat?

The tiles conduct heat away faster than cloth

Why is the metal of a seatbelt hotter than the cloth?

Because the heat can move faster up it then the cloth I think correct me if I'm wrong

What will produce blue patches on a white face cloth?


Why is it faster to dry wet hair when rubbed with a towel than a plain cloth?

most towels are thicker so they absorb more water then plain cloth.

Alabama mills could produce cheaper thread and cloth because?

Alabama mills could produce cheap thread and cloth in the early 1800s because they had a supply of cheap labor (slaves) and abundant water to power the mills.

Looking for adult cloth diaper service in mass?

I don't think there ae diaper services working anywhere these days. Cloth has been replaced with the throw away type.