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Q: Who requires positive protein balance?
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Is positive protein balance and positive nitrogen balance the same?


Is Pregnancy is an example of negative nitrogen balance?

No, it is an example of positive nitrogen balance. This is because a pregnant women is in need of protein to allow growth of the child, and in order to build protein you need Nitrogen. Therefor pregnancy is considered positive nitrogen balance.

What happens when you are in positive nitrogen balance?

role of energy & protein in the maintenance of nitrogen balence in a preschool child

Why does a COPD patient have a positive nitrogen balance?

COPD patients usually don't have a positive nitrogen balance, as the disease is more often associated with a general exhaustion of the body, and as such a net loss of total body protein. If a COPD patient does have a positive nitrogen balance, it simply means that the patient has eaten more protein than what has been broken down and excreted. This would most likely be associated with a positive net caloric intake and a gain of muscle weight.

What hormone in the presence of adequate nutrient availability encourages the stimulation of protein synthesis and a positive nitrogen balance This is why postworkout food in?

Testosterone encourages the stimulation of protein synthesis.

How many grams of protein a day per pound of bodyweight is a good range in which to maintain positive nitrogen balance?


Does pregnancy favor positive nitrogen balance?

Nitrogen status is positive in growing infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and people recovering from protein deficiency or illness.

How many grams of protein a day per pound of body-weight is good range to maintain positive nitrogen balance?


What is a positive nitrogen balance?

What factors might lead to a positive nitrogen balance?

What causes positive energy balance and what are the effects of positive energy balance?

Positive energy balance is when energy intake exceeds expenditure weight is gained

Why does albumin and pepsin test positive for protein?

Albumin and pepsin are both proteins, the test for proteins was positive.

What hormone in the presence of adequate nutrient availability encourages the stimulation of protein synthesis and a positive nitrogen balance This is why postworkout food intake is so important?
