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"It was around ten-thirty. I was upstairs with the Van Daans in Peter's room and I was helping him with his schoolwork. I was showing him the mistake in the dictation when suddenly someone came running up the stairs. The stairs were squeaking, I stood up, because it was still early in the morning and everyone was supposed to be quiet - then the door opened and a man was standing right in front of us with a gun in his hand and it was pointed at us." --Otto Frank

Friday, August 4, 1944, was a day like any other day. The helpers were working in the office in the front part of the building. Upstairs, the people in hiding were quietly going about their business. Suddenly, out front on the Prinsengracht, a vehicle came to a halt. Out jumped an SS-officer and three Dutch policemen. They entered the building and went directly to the office. Victor Kugler had to escort them to the Secret Annex. The people in hiding had been betrayed…

Nobody has found out who discovered the Franks... Many assumptions have been made, but no one knows "who" betrayed the Franks.

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The location of Anne Frank and her family in hiding was revealed to the Nazis by an anonymous tip. The exact identity of the person who provided the information remains unknown.

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When did Anne frank go in to hiding?

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Who revealed were Anne Frank was hiding?

Well, someone (the person who did reveal the Frank's hiding place) did know. They are most likely dead now. And because it has never come to the public who revealed their hiding place, it is likely that it will never ever be known.

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Anne Frank's three nicknames were "Anne," "Annelies," and "Annelein."

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The people in Anne Frank's family were; Margot Frank - Anne's sister Edith Frank - Anne's mother Otto Frank - Anne's father. The family pet name for Otto was 'Pim'.

Who wrote 'The Diary of Anne Frank?

'The Diary of Anne Frank' was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War. Her diary has become a widely read account of life during the Holocaust.

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In "The Diary of Anne Frank," Anne receives a diary for Christmas in 1942.

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Margot Frank was Anne Frank's sister. She died of typhus in a concentration camp within days of Anne's death.

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Anne Frank's full name was Anneliese Marie Frank. Her older sister's name was Margot Frank. Edith and Otto Frank were her parents.

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Otto Frank was Anne's father.