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Guxton Borglum, the creator of Mt. Rushmore, referring to the images of the presidents carved on the mountain

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Q: Who said. Its parts represent our nation's founding expansion development and preservation?
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Final Jeopardy! for Monday, October 5, 2009 (Winner: Ben Flaccus - $20400) Category: Landmarks Answer: Its creator said its parts represent our nation's founding, expansion, development and preservation. Question: What is Mount Rushmore?

What does Mount Rushmore represent?

It represents the founding, the expansion, the development, and the preservation of our country. As well as some of the biggest contributors to this country. It also pays tribute to four of our Founding fathers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham lincoln. They are the four that changed America the most.

What does Mount Rushmore symbolize?

"The purpose of the memorial is to communicate the founding, expansion, preservation, and unification of the United States with colossal statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt."Gutzon BorglumMount Rushmore has been said to symbolize the greatness of the nation through the greatness of its leaders, American freedom, liberty, and democracy.

What were the reasons for the founding of Virginia?

To secure a profit and to discourage Spanish Florida from northward expansion.

What did the founding fathers mean by republic?

A state which is governed by the rule of law.

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They didn't want a king, but to have a government where people decide who is to represent them.

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What were the primary reasons for founding Virginia?

To make a profit and to act as deterrent to expansion by Spanish Florida.

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both contributed to the development of representatives democracy

Why were each pers chosen to make up mount Rushmore?

George Washington represents the birth of the country, Thomas Jefferson the expansion of the nation, Abe Lincoln the preservation of the Union and Theodore Roosevelt represents the development of the country.

Why did the founding fathers create the two house legislature?

They wanted the state to have representation as well as the people. Therefore the Senate is to represent the states, and the House of Representatives to represent districts of people. Also, to avoid the concentration of power.

What was the reason the carving of the four faces of the US Presidents was built?

Mount Rushmore National Monument was built to foster an understanding of US history and cultures and the importance of caring for that legacy. Mount Rushmore is also known as "The Shrine of Democracy", a symbol of freedom and hope for people from all cultures and backgrounds."The purpose of the memorial is to communicate the founding, expansion, preservation, and unification of the United States with colossal statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt." Gutzon Borglum