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Titewhai Harawira

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Q: Who said in 1995 what happened at Waitangi means there can be no going back commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was That is over?
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Who said in 1995 'what happened at waitangi means that can be no going back to commemorate and celebrate waitangi as it was that is over?

Who said in 1995, " What happened at Waitangi means there can be no going back commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was. That is over.'?

Who said in 1995 What happened at Waitangi means there can be no going back to commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was. That is over.?

Who said in 1995, " What happened at Waitangi means there can be no going back commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was. That is over.'?

Who said in 1995 what happened at waitangi means there can be no going back?

Who said in 1995, " What happened at Waitangi means there can be no going back commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was. That is over.'?

What happened at waitangi means there can be no going back to commemorate and celebrate waitangi as it was.?

Oh oh oh i know it was your mada said it!

Who said in 1995 what happen at waitangi means there can be no going back commemorate and celebrate Waitangi as it was. That is over?

Titewhai Harawira

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