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Rubik's cubes

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Q: Who said its like a rubix cube in television interview?
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Related questions

How do you put cube in a sentence?

here is a way to put it. "Have you ever completed a Rubix CUBE?" Basically its a shape. or like this. "A CUBE is 3D."

Can you show the Rubik's cube solutions?

Download the rubix cube app on your iPhone for a dollar. You can then enter how your cube looks like and you will get instructions on how to solve it in around 20 moves.

What gem combo is used for the zebra dress?

It was limited. I have it. It was like when the rubix cube stuff came out on fantage

Where do you get a rubix cube in North Carolina?

You can get one at Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, or any store like that.

What rubix cube to buy?

Dayan ZhanChi is the cube is would personally refer to use as this cube works like a magic. It just requires a slight push to move. I use this mostly and is very satisfied with it.

What can a 10 year old do when she cant leave her house?

If she has any homework she does that. Or she plays with games that are fun and occupying. Like a rubix cube.

Where can you see a cube?

in homes there are cubes like for example the chair, television,blocks, risivor

What are some talent show acts to do at work?

You could do stand-up comedy or do something intellectually impressive like reciting 15+ digits of pi or solving a Rubix cube in a limited amount of time if you have enough time to practice for something like that.

How do you interview a TV program host you like best?

To interview a TV program host you like best, start by researching their background, previous interviews, and any recent work they have done. Prepare a list of questions that are insightful and unique, focusing on their career journey, experiences, and their thoughts on the TV industry. Maintain a professional and respectful demeanor during the interview and give them space to express themselves fully.

How many squares are in a rubix cube?

hi i have a vegi garden hahah :L and it has tomatoes and squash and carrots and egg plant and i have to go and eat them nom nom nom nom nom "crunch crunch crunch" would you like some :?

What is the most watched tv interview?

Im not 100% sure but I believe it is an inteview that Oprah had with Michael Jackson. There was like 100 million viewers.

What type of movie does bill kaulitz like?

In an interview, Bill said that he liked the movie, "The Notebook" and he liked the TV show "Nip and Tuck" and "Scrubs."