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Q: Who said senses are the gateway of knowledge?
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Who emphasised by Senses are the gateways of knowledge?

Aristotle emphasized that senses are the gateways of knowledge, as they are the primary means through which we perceive and understand the world around us. He believed that our senses provide the foundation for all knowledge and are essential for acquiring information about the external world.

What is knowledge based on senses?

I would prosume that the answer would be Emprical.

What is knowledge based on senses called?

I would prosume that the answer would be Emprical.

How important are the 5 senses?

The 5 senses were said to be a basis for survival. Now in this age, we can survive without one.

How Does Locke's regard for the senses differ from Descartes?

Locke believed that knowledge arises from sensory experiences and that the mind is initially a blank slate upon which experiences are imprinted. Descartes, on the other hand, believed in innate ideas and the importance of reason over sensory experience as a source of knowledge. They differed in their views on the role of the senses in acquiring knowledge.

What is the metaphor for a education is the gateway to success?

our knowledge is the one that we will use or the one that will be are guide in order to achieve are goal.

How does Locke's regard from the senses differ from descartes?

Locke believed that knowledge is acquired through sensory experience and perception, while Descartes argued that true knowledge comes from innate ideas and reason. Locke's empiricism emphasizes the importance of observation and sensory input in understanding the world, while Descartes prioritized deduction and rationality as the basis of knowledge.

Is knowledge acquisition the same as percieving things with your senses?

Not always. You can be told things without experiencing them.

What do you mean by Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses?

This phrase means that all knowledge originates from sensory experiences. Our intellect processes and interprets information that is initially gathered through our senses, like sight, touch, and hearing. In other words, our mind works with what it has learned from our physical interactions with the world.

How can you say knowledge in french?

"Knowledge" in French is said as "connaissance."

What are the 5 senses and how it is a source of knowledge?

The 5 sences are: Smell, Touch, Sight, Hear and Taste. It is a source of knowledge because people already have sences when they are born.