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Q: Who said she's standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take?
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What song is this she's standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take?

It is a lyric, but I can't think of what song it is. I'm pretty sure it was a 90's group though.

How can you get shipowners?

bY giving them two balls and a line in between

Do you wait in line or online?

If there is an actual physical line on the floor, and you are on it, then you are on line. If you are in a line of people, you are in line. If you are in a line of people, and also standing on a physical line on the floor, then you are both in and on line. If there is a group of people, standing in a line, and you are standing on top of the group of people standing in line, then you are standing on line.

What does this mean There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot Steven Wright?

You would be just standing like an idiot if you had no fine line (fishing line).

What does standing on line mean?

Answer: Standing "on line" is a simple way of saying that you are waiting in a line in NYC. Although, most Americans may use "in line", standing "on line" represents that a New Yorker feels on top of the world.

Standing waves present on an open transmission line?

Standing waves occur on an open transmission line when there is a mismatch between the line impedance and the load impedance. This causes some of the incident wave to reflect back along the line, interfering with the incident wave and creating areas of constructive and destructive interference known as nodes and antinodes. The presence of standing waves can lead to signal distortion and power losses in the transmission line.

When was Standing in the Line of Fire - album - created?

Standing in the Line of Fire - album - was created in 1984-09.

What is the base of a rectangle with a width of 1.9 and a length of 3.6 ft?

If we define "base" as a line or surface on which a figure is regarded as standing, then we won't be able to answer this definitively without seeing which way the figure is oriented.

What is the term for giving an actor his next line when he has forgotten it?

Giving a line to an actor is prompting.

Give a lesson plan of standing line and sleeping line for nursery class?

lesson plan for "standing and sleeping line" for nursery class

What is another name for line like standing in a line?

Queue .

What does it mean when a guy says to you I can't wish anything except seeing you?

He is a "player" and that is a line he is giving you. Guys like him can be fun as long as you don't take him seriously and know he is Casanova and a snake .