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If there is an actual physical line on the floor, and you are on it, then you are on line. If you are in a line of people, you are in line. If you are in a line of people, and also standing on a physical line on the floor, then you are both in and on line. If there is a group of people, standing in a line, and you are standing on top of the group of people standing in line, then you are standing on line.

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Q: Do you wait in line or online?
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Can I apply online for a Capital One Card?

You can easily apply on line. Depending ont he site you may hear the result online or have to wait for a mail reply.

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A Main Line Health job can be found on there main homepage website. One can fill out the application online or in person at Main Line Health and wait for acceptance.

Where do trains wait before their next run?

They can wait on a siding, spare line or be pulled for cleaning

Does buying a reserved ticket in advance speed up the wait in line to the Eiffel Tower?

it only speeds it up because u don't have to wait in line to buy a ticket but other then that u wait in all the lines

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Its a line that you wait in to go watch your movie or get your ticket at the movie theater.

What are the perks of using Wells Fargo online?

When using Wells Fargo online there is not a line to wait in. Paper statements can be traded in for a digital copy which saves space and the environment. If for some some reason customer service is needed there is a FAQ section or chat support is available.

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It mean that before you go online she is online but whenever your on-line your ex isn't because she reads sign so you go online to find shes online but she isn't sign online cosign mean tangent mode.

What does saved mean in Netflix queue?

it means to wait in a line, yeah!

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Push it into a heated garage and wait.

When is the last kings clothing line coming out?

In April. Cant wait!

How do you get free ticket?

go on line and wait till they first come out

Something you sometimes have to stand in while you wait?
