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Ask your mom she was best friends with the guy.

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Q: Who said sticks and stones may brake your bones but names will never hurt you?
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What does 'sticks and stones' mean?

The entire phrase is "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me." It means that someone who is childishly calling names and insulting you cannot harm you.

Why Sticks and stones will break your bones and words will hurt you?

This phrase emphasizes that physical wounds caused by sticks and stones can be painful and visible, but emotional wounds caused by hurtful words can also have a lasting impact, even if they are not physically visible. It serves as a reminder that words can cause harm and should be used carefully.

Is sticks and stones may break your bones but words may never hurt you a advertisement?

no it's an old saying that's not true trust me i know i get called names allot and they hurt here's a new saying "sticks and stones will break my bones but your words hurt more than you'll ever know"

Sticks and stons will hart your bones but names will never heart you?

it means sticks will hurt you but names will never hart you !!!!

What are the names on Cher Lloyd's CD?

She only has one album so far named Sticks + stones

How do yow make a sentence with contuse?

Sticks and stones may contuse me, but call me names and you'll just confuse me

Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you?

not true!!! words are the leading cause of death and dismemberment in global sociatys and have been seince the beginning of time. so not true, words are usually the cause to tennage suidide....

Where did the proverb sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me come from?

The term was first uttered by slaves during the time of slavery in the US. The idea was that if the "Overseer" only cursed you and called you humiliating names that was much better than receiving brutal lashes from his whip. Hence, the words "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Should you be sad if a guy called you ugly?

You probably would be sad but forget about him. He called you that to hurt you and it worked so he got what he wanted. Did you ever hear the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'. Think of that and ignore him.

Give names of leg bones?

Femur in upper leg then fibula and tibia in lower leg

Why does it hurt so much when people call you fat?

Sticks and bones do break your bones and names cause psychological damage. No-one deserves to be insulted like that. Always stand up for yourself and preach that you're a human and will be respected!

What are the names of stones which are considered as lucky stones?

jade is a lucky stone