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Cassie Logan said this line about her father, David Logan, in the book "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor. She describes her father as a thoughtful and careful man who considers his actions carefully before making a move.

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Q: Who said the line he always took time to think through any move he made in the book Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?
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Can you hear thunder?

I can always hear thunder in thunder and lightning, everyone can, except for deaf people of course because they can't hear anything.

Can thunder always be heard?

well, if your far away then no. you wouldn't be able to hear the thunder. if how ever, you are close to the thunder storm you will hear thunder.

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Thunder is always heard after lightning flashes. The sounds from thunder can be heard from miles away, but you can see lightning and NOT hear thunder. Never the other way around.

What is a good event in roll of thunder hear my cry?

i think you are

What happens when there is lightning but no thunder?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning, there is always thunder with lightning. If you cannot hear thunder maybe that is because you are too far away from the storm.

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lightning heats the air which we hear as thunder

Can lightning come without thunder?

Lightning is the electrical discharge which neutralises the static electricity built up within the cloud or between cloud and earth.The very hot plasma bolt which transmits the electrical current super heats water molecules which expand with such speed that they produce the sound of thunder.The only way I can think that this is not the case is if the air is very dry indeed. Almost without exception, the two will always occur together.

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Why do you see thunder after you see the flash of lightning?

You don't see thunder. You hear thunder. You hear thunder after seeing the lightning because light travels faster than sound. The further the storm away is, the bigger the time between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder.

Who is the best character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

i think its Cassie Logan because she is very brave to me :)

Why do you hear a sharp crack from thunder when it is close?

The sharp crack you hear from thunder when it is close it the electricity in the air.

Can you see thunder or lightning?

You see lighting and hear thunder.