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The judge who granted you probation sentences you if your probation is revoked.

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Q: Who sentences you in your probation revocation hearing?
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Can a person reject probation after a probation revocation hearing has been set?

A person cannot be set for a probation revocation hearing unless they have already been sentenced to probation. If you are asking if a person can request to do their prison time instead of being released again to probation then yes they can. It may sound odd, but it does happen.

What happens if you dont go to probation revocation hearing?

If it was YOUR probation that was being discussed, you can pretty much bet that youir probation was probably revoked.

What is revocation hearing?

Sort of a "catch-all" description for a judicial, a non-judicial, or a 'quasi-judicial' hearing at which decisions are made. It could have reference to a DMV hearing at which a decision on your drivers license is being considered - a quasi-judcial hearing at which a decision is gong to be made about revoking your parole/probation, etc.

Can an attorney who represented a defendant prosecute a probation revocation hearing of the same defendant?

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Can a misdemeanor conviction cause revocation of your probation?


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What if im arraigned for probation revocation?

You would not be arraigned for this unless the Court has been notified that you violated your probation.

What does revocation of probation or parole requires?

Revocation is ordered. when conditions set. Are not met in respect of the court or judicial services. And the standards in effect.

What is a probation status hearing?

It is a hearing to review a probationer's progress since being granted probation.

Will you go to jail for a motion to revoke on misdemeaors?

It depends on the circumstances. If you are found in violation of the terms of your probation or parole due to a motion to revoke on misdemeanors, you could face consequences such as fines, community service, or imprisonment. However, the severity of the punishment will vary based on the specific details of the case and the judge's ruling.

Can probation revocation warrant be took care of before the person gets in custody?


What happens if you got dirty UA on parole?

Depends on the state and county jurisdiction in which you live. For technical violations(less serious) your Probation/Parole Officer can sanction you to jail,loss of earned time,extension of probation/parole. For more serious violations(e.g. commiting of a felony) jail,parole revocation hearing, and can be reviewed by the state Board of Parole and Administratvie Law Judge to determine if the violation occured and if revocation is warranted.