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Q: Who serves as prosecution in criminal cases?
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Who pays costs of investigation and prosecution in criminal cases?

You do, In fines and Court costs

What happens to most criminal and civil cases?

Criminal cases are resolved when a prosecution is brought before a court and considered by the judge and/or jury.

Who were the plaintif and the defendent?

In civil and tort cases, the "complaining" party is referred to as the PLAINTIFF. In criminal cases the plaintiff's place is taken by the PROSECUTION. In both civil and criminal cases the DEFENDANT is the person, or party, against whom the case is being brought.

How are criminal cases won?

If the prosecution can prove beyond all doubt that the plaintiff committed the crime - the prosecution wins the case, and the plaintiff (now a criminal) is sentenced. If the defence proves that the plaintiff could not have committed the crime - the defence wins and the plaintiff is free to go.

In a debate the affirmation side begins and ends the debate In a criminal trial however which side begins the trial and which side ends it?

In British criminal cases the prosecution open the case with a summary, the defence go last with a closing speech.

What does want of prosecution mean?

"Want of prosecution" (or lack of prosecution) means that a particular lawsuit is not being actively pursued, i.e. prosecuted by one or another parties. All states have court rules that set time frames within which certain things, like take depositions, issue interrogatories, etc. have to be done. In the even a party to a lawsuit does not do what is supposed to be done within those time limits, the court has the discretion in an appropriate instance to dismiss the case for want or lack of prosecution. Curiously, this phrase is used most often in civil cases rather than criminal cases, even though the word prosecution is associated with criminal cases rather than civil cases.

What is the last step in a criminal prosecution if the defendant is found guilty?

Sentencing is last step in a criminal prosecution if the defendant is found guilty.

What does criminal prosecution mean?

Great question! Criminal prosecution means carrying a legal action in court who is being accused. ~Nei-Mio

What is the government called in a criminal proceeding?

The prosecution

Can the Confrontation Clause Be Used In Mental Health Testimony?

The confrontation clause applies only to criminal cases. If the mental health testimony is being introduced by the prosecution in a criminal case, the defendant has the right to cross examine.

What does the prosecution means?

The prosecution in the court room means they are representing the victim in a criminal case. The prosecution has the responsibility to prove that the defendant is guilty.

What is the Prosecution?

In a criminal case, the prosecution is the state. The prosecution is the institution conducting the legal proceedings against an individual who has been charged with a crime.