

Who should replace Caesar?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Who should replace Caesar?
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Why Julius Caesar should be a consul?

Julius Caesar should be or was a consul because he had been elected consul.

Who replaced Julius Caesar in Roman political history?

The sole ruler after Julius Caesar was Octavian/Augustus. Remember, though, that Octavian did not replace Caesar immediately, as there was a period when the second triumvirate ruled. It was after the triumvirate fell apart that Octavian replaced Caesar.

Who did Caesar send to the Senate to replace him?

Caesar sent different men to the senate to replace himself or represent his interests at different times. For example, the first triumvirate, which consisted of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. Crassus and Pompey were in Rome looking after Caesar's (and their own) interests. When Caesar became dictator and was away from the city, he, as dictator would appoint a Master of the Horse, who was the official who acted in place of a dictator in the city of Rome. Mark Antony and Lepidus were two of them.

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how the heck should i know??

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just research it.

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Who said when the poor have cried Caesar hath wept ambition should be made of sterner in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?


What does Brutus say should be offended by him killing Caesar?

"Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to Brutus."

What is ironic about the third plebeians cry of let him be Caesar?

Julius Caesar is a play by William Shakespeare. The third plebeian's cry of "let him be Caesar" is ironic as Brutus had previously stated that if he were to rule like Caesar then he too should be killed.

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You should replace a digital thermometer when it becomes inaccurate. You should also replace it when it is damaged or cracked.

Should or shouldn't Nero let Julius Caesar go to heaven?

I do not know what you are talking about. Nero became emperor 98 years after Julius Caesar's death. Caesar was deified soon after his death.

What does ceasers wife mean?

There were many rumors involving Caesar's wife... so Caesar divorced her on the grounds that "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." ... Basically, Caesar divorced her because, even if the rumors were false, Caesar couldn't be associated with someone who was involved in rumors. It was all about the politics. So, the phrase "They should be like Caesar's wife", means that "they" should be good and honest people who are above any suspicions. =D