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Bartolome de las Casas

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Q: Who spoke out against mistreatment of Indians in spanish America?
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Who was a spanish missionary who spoke out against the spanish mistreatment of native America?

Bartolomé de las Casas was a Spanish missionary who spoke out against the mistreatment of Native Americans by the Spanish colonizers. He is known for his efforts to protect the rights and dignity of indigenous peoples in the Americas during the colonial period.

Which of these people was a Spanish missionary who spoke out against the Spanish mistreatment of the Native Americans?

Bartolomé de las Casas was a Spanish missionary who spoke out against the mistreatment of Native Americans by the Spanish. He was known for his advocacy for the rights of indigenous peoples and his writings condemning the abuses they suffered at the hands of the Spanish colonizers.

Were the spanish hostile against the Indians?

Yes, they were.

What caused the decline of the Neo Indians in the Caribbean?

Spanish diseases such as malaria, small pox, bubonic plague and whooping cough as well as mistreatment.

Why do you think so many Indians groups join the Spanish against the Aztecs?

why do you think so many indians groups join the Spanish against the Aztecs

Who was the Spanish missionary who spoke out against the Spanish mistreatment of Native Americans?

Bartolome de las casas

Why pope lead a rebellion against the Spanish?

Because Spanish missionaries suppressed Pueblo Indians.

Why did the Spanish explore and conquer large of the Americas?

the spanish explored and conquered North America(indians)

How did the arrival of the spanish in north America affect the American Indians?

The first Spanish in North America were Conquistadors on exploration missions. They brought with them diseases that the Indians weren't immune to - like small pox and measles. These diseases killed thousands of Indians.

What were the attitudes of the Spanish toward the American Indians?

The attitudes of the Spanish toward the American Indians varied, ranging from viewing them as subjects to be converted and assimilated into Spanish culture, to seeing them as obstacles to be conquered and subjugated. Some Spanish settlers also engaged in the exploitation and mistreatment of indigenous populations for economic gain.

Why did the pope rebellion against the Spanish?

Because Spanish missionaries suppressed Pueblo Indians.

The impacts of the spanish in America -plains Indians?

Many plains Indians died of whooping cough, measles and other diseases