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the oranal tradings

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Q: Who sponsored or funded Sacagawea?
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What is another word for financed?

funded, backed, supported, sponsored, bankrolled

How does My Coke Rewards get money?

The program is sponsored and funded by The Coca-Cola Company.

Who sponsored Pedro Alvares Cabral?

King Emanuel sponsored Pedro alveras cabral in 1499

What is sponsored and non sponsored category?

To sponsor a category is to provide funds for support on a project, an activity, or to a person. A non sponsored category is one that requires no financial support or that could be independently funded.

Who funded hernan Cortes expedition?

Spain sponsored the explorations of Cortes

Who sponsored Hernado Cortez's travels?

Hernando Cortez's travels were funded by Spain I think if I am wrong you can improve this answer :)

Ponce de leon country who funded the expedition?

Ponce de LeΓ³n's expedition to Florida in 1513 was funded by the Spanish Crown, specifically King Ferdinand II of Aragon. The voyage was part of Spain's efforts to explore and claim new territories in the New World.

Who sponsored the gladiator games in Rome?

The emperors and high ranking officers of state funded and organized the gladiatorial games in Rome.

What countries and people sponsored the expedition of megallan?

Only one nation supported and funded for Magellan's sea exploration: the Kingdom of Spain.

What does the phrase state-sponsored terrorism imply?

Terrorism against a country or group of people that is funded by a national government in some way.

What is asponsered link?

A sponsored link is (just by looking at the name) is a link that is funded (paid for) by a sponsor (someone who pay's and supports something).

What is the difference between Govt aided School teacher and Govt sponsored School teacher as per rte?

Government aid school teacher is a teacher who is funded by the government. While on the other hand a government sponsored school teacher is only sponsored by the government, but does not receive money.