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the singing master from Fort Edward

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Q: Who suddenly appeared as Major Heyward's party was making its way through the forest to Fort William Henry?
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What is a whiteout?

Any condition in which visibility is reduced to Zero. If you're driving through a snowstorm and the snow suddenly gets so thick that you can't see the road, that is a whiteout.

How do fossils form in rocks?

That's an interesting question.Well no one knows because I went through 23 pages in google and nothing appeared

Why is there high pressure in the mantle?

If you imagine the world as a kettle of boiling water, standing on a lit gas ring. While the steam escapes through the spout, all is well. But if the spout and lid was to become blocked, the steam would create a growing pressure inside the kettle. Eventually, the kettle would burst and the pressure is suddenly released. A bursting kettle is like an erupting volcano, releasing some of the pressure that had built up below the mantle.

Is there a way to predict an earthquake?

People may use any of the following to predict an earthquake:1. Their own senses, to witness changed animal behavior such as by:Seeing and hearing birds in suddenly increased and agitated flight and communication patterns that just as suddenly stop;Seeing burrowing animals out and about as though they're homeless at times that they usually are inside their holes;Feeling pre-earthquake shock waves;2. Their own use of or access to scientific equipment, such as:Creepmeters, to identify movement of the earth's soil;Global positioning systems, to identify movement of the earth's crust;Laser light, to identify sudden disruptions in light beam transmissions from one side of a fault line to the other;Magnetometer, to identify sudden changes in magnetic field activity;Strainmeters, through the coordinated use of the seismograph and the seismometer, to identify the sudden presence of below ground vibrations;3. Their own knowledge of previous earthquake activity in the area, from their own experence or through the written record or the oral tradition.

The matter through which a wave travels is called what?

a medium. but longitudinal waves do not have to travel through a medium. This is why transverse waves cannot vibrate through space.a medium. but longitudinal waves do not have to travel through a medium. This is why transverse waves cannot vibrate through space.

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Who suddenly appeared as Major Heyward's party was making its way through the forest to Fort William Henry?

the singing master from Fort Edward

Who suddenly appeared as Major Hayward's party was making its way through the forest to Fort William Henry?

the singing master from Fort Edward

Who suddenly appeared as major heyward a party was making its way through the forest to fort William Henry?

the singing master from Fort Edward

Who suddenly appeared as major heyward's party was making it's way through the forest to Fort William Henry?

the singing master from Fort Edward

Who suddenly appears as major heyward's party was making its way through the forest to fort William Henry?

the singing master from Fort Edward

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Get out of the building as fast as you can.

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Appeared: Something that has "appeared" has come into sight that was not there before."appeared" means that something you couldn't see before, you can now. If someone appears suddenly in front of you, it could be the person just winked into existence, or you just didn't see him or her come through the door... but however it happened, you didn't see the person, and now you do.

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