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Q: Who supported the prosecution john scopes?
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What group supported the prosecution John Scopes?


Which group supported the prosecution of John Scopes?


Which group the prosecution of john scopes?


Why did modernists support John T. Scopes?

The supported the teching of evolution

What group supported the prosecution of john scope?

Fundamentalists (apex)

Who was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes Monkey Trial?

William Jennings Bryan was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes Monkey Trial.

John T. Scopes challenged a Tennessee law that forbade the teaching of what?

In 1925 the State of Tennessee accused substitute high school teacher John T. Scopes of violating state law by teaching human evolution in a state-funded school. The trial is known as the Scopes Trial or the Scopes Monkey Trial. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The verdict subsequently was overturned. The trial featured two famous attorneys. William Jennings Bryan argued for the prosecution. Clarence Darrow represented Scopes.

Who was on trial in the scopes monkey trial?

John T. Raulston was the judge in the Scopes trial.

What was the name of the biology teacher on the john scopes monkey trial?

John scopes.

When did John Thomas Scopes die?

John Thomas Scopes died on October 21, 1970.

What did the Tennessee court decisde in the scopes trail?

In 1925 the State of Tennessee accused substitute high school teacher John T. Scopes of violating state law by teaching human evolution in a state-funded school. The trial is known as the Scopes Trial or the Scopes Monkey Trial. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The verdict subsequently was overturned. The trial featured two famous attorneys. William Jennings Bryan argued for the prosecution. Clarence Darrow represented Scopes.

Who broke a Tennessee law that made it illegal to teach Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

In 1925 the State of Tennessee accused substitute high school teacher John T. Scopes of violating state law by teaching human evolution in a state-funded school. The trial is known as the Scopes Trial or the Scopes Monkey Trial. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The verdict subsequently was overturned. The trial featured two famous attorneys. William Jennings Bryan argued for the prosecution. Clarence Darrow represented Scopes.