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Q: Who taught the theory of evolution to high school students?
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Is Darwin's theory taught in schools?

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, as an explanation for the development of life on earth and its current form and diversity, is taught in many school science courses, but not in all.

Why did fundamentalists in Tennessee pass a law about teaching science?

They did not want students to learn the theory of evolution in school.

Who was tried in the Scope Monkey Trial?

John Scopes was a school teacher in Tennessee that illegally taught the theory of evolution in a public school. He was arrested, tried and convicted.

Who first taught the theory of evolution?

Charles DArwin

Who was the man that taught the theory of evolutin to high school students?

In 1925, John Scopes was charged with violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which stated that no subject taught in school could directly contradict the story of the Creation as found in the Bible.

Is creationism taught in Ohio public schools?

Creationism is not taught in Ohio public schools as part of the science curriculum. It may be taught in a cultural or sociological classroom setting, depending on the teacher or school. Only evolution is taught as a scientific theory for the origin of life in biology/science classes.

Why is Christianity banished in school but not evolution?

Because evolution is a proven, testable, scientific theory.

Why was the trial conducted in Inherit the Wind?

Contrary to the letter of the Tennessee law, a high school biology teacher taught his class Darwin's Theory of Evolution and was arrested for doing so.

How many people believe evolution should be taught in schools?

All rational people. It is not a matter of belief, though, as what manifests itself in the real world, and evolution does that, is not subject to " beliefs " and is true whether you believe it or not. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is a fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much of this fact. Evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection is the foundation of biology and it makes little sense not to teach it. The courts have spoken, both at the local and Federal level, so evolution is taught in schools. How rigorously it is taught varies by region. Regardless, science does not adhere to argumentum ad populum.

Trial of high school teacher for teaching the theory of evolution?

Scopes Monkey Trial

What is the difference between theory of evolution and language evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.

What is the difference between the theory of language and evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.