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Q: Who the upper house of Kaiser parliament?
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What is the name of the upper house of the Parliament of Australia?

Australia's upper house of Parliament is the Senate.

What is the upper House of Parliament?

The upper house of parliament is called The House of Lords. It is also known as the House of Peers for ceremonial purposes.

What is the name of the upper house of parliament in South Australia?

The Upper House of Parliament in New South Wales is called the Legislative Council.

Is the legislative council the senate?

The Senate and the Legislative Council are both names for the upper house of parliament. The Senate is the upper house of the Commonwealth (Federal) Parliament and the Legislative Council the upper house of the state parliament.

Who is the lower house of kaiser Parliament?

The lower house of Kaiser Parliament is called the Reichstag. The Reichstag was less important of the two houses and was only able to approve laws that had been proposed by the Chancellor and Bundesrat.

Who are the House of Lords?

The Upper House of Parliament.

What is the senate in Australian Parliament house?

The Senate is Australia's Upper House of Parliament.

Which house in the English Parliament is considered to be the lower house?

The correct name of the "upper house" of the British parliament is the "House of Lords"The correct name of the "lower house" of the British parliament is the "House of Commons"

The Australian parliament is made up of what 2 houses?

Australia's Federal parliament is made up of two Houses.Australia's upper house of parliament is the Senate. The lower house is the House of Representatives.

What is the upper house called in Canberra?

The Upper House of Parliament in Canberra is the Senate.

Is the Senate Upper house or lower house?

The Senate is the Upper House of Federal parliament in Australia.

What is the name of the House of Parliament in SA?

South Australia's Upper House of Parliament is the Legislative Council and its Lower House of Parliament is the House of Assembly.