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I think that's a terrible idea. I miss the days when it was restricted to college students; when all the kids had to go play on MySpace.

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Q: Who thinks under 13 year olds and over should be allowed on Facebook?
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How can you get on Facebook under 10?

You are not allowed to have a facebook if you are under 13. If you do have a Facebook when your under 13, You can be reported and banned from facebook.

Is it legal for a child under 13 to be using facebook?

13+ years child are allowed to use Facebook.

Can children under the age of 13 sign up for facebook?

no there not allowed

Why are we not allowed join facebook under 13?

You really don't have to be over 13 to get a facebook. People just say that for no reason. Besides, there are children as young as 5 that have a facebook. I think that any child should have a facebook, and that any parents that don't let them have one is unfair.

Is there Facebook for kids under 9?

No not that I know of, But Its always up to a supervisor, parent or guardian to decide If you are allowed facebook, or not. You have to ask yourself why do you want facebook?

Can you have facebook if your age is 13?

Kids under 13 years of age are not allowed to use Facebook social networking website.

Should kids under 13 be able to have a Facebook?

I think kids under 13 should not be allowed on Facebook because many kids aer getting poor grades. Children are always thinking about Facebook and not focusing on their work. Also many students may get into fights online and that may lead to cyber bullying. In conclusion kids should be atleast 13 years before getting a Facebook account. Even if kids are already 13 they still need supervision from parents or guardians. Facebook is a very serious matter.

Are kids under 10 allowed in YoVille?

No because YoVille is only available on MySpace and Facebook. You have to be 14 to join MySpace and 13 to join Facebook.

What is your view on Facebook and MySpace?

I think facebook and myspace should let kids 13 and under have myspace and facebook. I also think parents should too

Is there a Facebook like Facebook for 11 year olds?

There is no junior Facebook and on the Facebook website it tells you that you should not attempt to join Facebook if you are under 13 years old.

Should kids under 13 pu their info on facebook?


Are 13 year olds allowed on Facebook?

Facebook's Privacy Policy clearly states that No information from children under age 13 is allowed. So 13 and above is permitted by Facebook.Just make sure your parents know what you are doing.