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I don't think voting should be mandatory. People shouldn't be forced to vote. What if people think that both people running for election won't be good leaders, they would be forced to vote for someone they won't trust. What if people that are not well educated make a bad decision and the person they chose wins and they turn out to be a bad leader.

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Q: Who thinks voting should be mandatory?
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Would mandatory voting work in US?

No, mandatory voting would never work in the United States.

Is voting mandatory in Mexico?

yes just like in the us you have to be part of the us to vote

Are citizens required to vote?

In some countries voting is mandatory, in other countries it is not required.

Should the US make voting mandatory for citizens?

ENCOURING CITIZENS TO VOTE! I encourage all American citizens who are above 18 years to vote. This is great opportunity to represent someone who is right for our government and he/she can present our opinions. I believe many people died so American citizens can vote for someone they think will run our great country. It's our right and our duty as Americans citizens to alteast vote for people didn't have this opportunity years back.

What countries is voting mandatory?

Some countries where voting is mandatory include Australia, Belgium, and Brazil. In these countries, eligible citizens are required by law to participate in elections. Failure to vote can result in fines or other penalties.

Why is voter turnout higher in some countries than in the US?

In some countries voting is mandatory and there are legal punishments for failing to vote. In the US voting is voluntary.

Does Mexico require adults to vote?

Voting is not mandatory, but discretional. Just like any other democratic country.

How would a mandatory voting law be affected by the first amendments guarantee of the freedom of speech?

A mandatory voting law would be violating the first amendment because we as a people have the right to vote or not vote, which is guaranteed to us in the first amendment. Forcing us to vote would take our freedom away.

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A cooking course should be mandatory in schools

Should it be mandatory for a criminal to tell their employer of their crime?

Yes it should be mandatory. In most states it's the law.

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If it's mandatory it's no longer voluntary.

Should gym class be optional or mandatory?

Encouraged maybe, not mandatory though imo.