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Odysseus told his men not to worry while hurling insults at the angry cyclops Polyphemus. He did this to maintain his leadership role and keep his men from panicking during their dangerous encounter.

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Q: Who told his men not to worry while hurling insults at an angry cyclops?
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How does cyclops find out about Odysseus?

The cyclops learns through a seer that he will be blinded by Odysseus. Later on, after Polyphemus is blinded, Odysseus yells his name to Polyphemus while bragging about blinding the cyclops.

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The Cyclops had no kids. The men escaped by holding to the undersides of the cyclops sheep. Their hands could not hold any of the cheeses while they were escaping.

Who is sheep did Odysseus' men eat while they were stranded on the island?

Polyphemus the cyclops.

What plan does Odysseus begin to form while trapped in the cyclops cave?

He can't kill the cyclops because only Polyphemus can move the rock to open the cave. So Odysseus decides to get him drunk then blind the cyclops. Odysseus then wraps himself under the sheep so he can reach outside without alerting the cyclops.

Was the cyclops a prisoner of hades?

No. The Cyclops lived on an island and was encountered by Ulysses in Homer's The Odyssey as he was trying to get home to his son and his wife Penelope. Ulysses men are caputred by the cyclops while trying to steal sheep and escape by blinding him and immediately leaving the island.

How big were cyclops?

The cyclops were considered to be the size of giants with one eye. Some could have been 8-10 feet while others were 10-12 feet tall.

How often do you get angry?

It depends from person to person. One might be angry regularly while other might not get angry at all.

If you get angry or upset you should before driving?

You should not drive while angry or upset.

Who is more dangerous is circe or the cyclops?

Circe is generally considered more dangerous than the Cyclops in Greek mythology. She is known for her ability to transform humans into animals through her powerful magic, while the Cyclops are typically depicted as savage one-eyed giants known for their strength. However, both Circe and the Cyclops pose significant threats to those who encounter them in Greek myths.

Is the cyclops good or evil?

The characterization of the cyclops in Greek mythology varies depending on the source. In some versions, the cyclops is portrayed as savage and dangerous, while in others, they are depicted as simple beings who are not inherently evil. Overall, the cyclops is typically seen as a formidable and unpredictable creature.

What was the name of the cyclops in the Odyssey?

Polyphemus the cyclops was the son of the sea god Poseidon. He killed and ate some of Odysseus' crew while they were imprisoned in his cave, and he was blinded by a burning tree trunk shoved in his single eye.