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An angel also came to the wise men as well as coming to Mary and told them to follow the star and they would find their new king. :D

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Q: Who told the 3 wise men to follow the star because that is where Jesus was born?
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When the three kings or wisemen traveled did they follow a star?

according to Biblical accounts, when the wisemen were looking for Jesus they did in fact follow a star that guided them to the manger where Jesus was born

What star did the three wise man Follow to see baby Jesus when he was born?

The Wise Men or Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem (also called the "Christmas Star") to find Jesus.

Who put the star to show where Jesus was born?

If you believe that Jesus is God - Jesus must have put the star to show where he was born! If you believe that Jesus is a Prophet - then God must have put the star to show where Jesus was born.

Why does Matthew include a star in Jesus' birth?

Because the Star was a Great Sign from Almighty God, in the sky, on that Holy Night Jesus was Born. Also, the three kings followed that star until they found the Infant Jesus.

Who traveled from far away to find Jesus and what did they follow?

The wise men, also known as the Magi, traveled from afar to find Jesus. They followed a star, known as the Star of Bethlehem, which guided them to the place where Jesus was born.

What did the Shepherds follow to reach the birth of Jesus Christ?

The north star

Did the three wise men come after or before Jesus was born?

after because they followed the star

Did the star appear before or after Jesus was born?

A:The usual assumption is that the magi began to follow the star after Jesus was born, some believing that this was up to two years later. However, Ian Wilson (Jesus: The Evidence) says the hard reality is that the Matthew nativity story offers insufficient historicity for anyone to be confident that there was a star at all. In fact, this account has all the hallmarks of myth.

Why you put star at the top of the Christmas tree?

because when Jesus was born he had a star on top of the stable and that's why we put a star on the top of a Christmas tree or an angel .

What does a star symbolize?

A star symbolizes the star of Bethlehem. when jesus was born they're was a star

What is the significance of the Christmas star?

It is the star that led the Wise Men to Jesus and it was the star that Jesus was born under. God sent it to let everyone know about his son was born. It also called the Star of Bethlehem and the Star of Christmas.

What does the Christmas star mean?

the meaning of a Christmas star is when it lead the wise men in the Bible to the Lord baby Jesus. And when they had found out about the Lord Jesus Christ being born they brought gifts of three.