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The Bolsheviks.

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Q: Who took control of Russia and ended autocratic rule?
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What are facts about the Bolsheviks?

Bolsheviks were a revolutionary political party in early 20th century Russia. They opposed the Romanov autocratic rule.

In Russia what was the revolt that ended the rule of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 is the revolution that ended the rule of the Tsars. The October Revolution staged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government rather than that of the Tsars.

What did the Bolsheviks end?

The Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government in Russia by the October Revolution in 1917 then ended the lives of Tsar Nicholas and his entire family in July 1918.The Bolsheviks did not end the rule of the Tsar. The February 1917 Revolution is what ended that.

An autocratic ruler has what power?

An autocratic ruler has complete and unchecked power over their country or territory. They have the authority to make decisions without consulting others and often suppress opposition or dissent. Their rule is characterized by centralized control and limited political freedom.

Autocratic its root and affixes and their meaning?

Autocratic comes from two Greek roots autos which means "self" and critein which means "to rule"

How long did Lenin rule Russia?

The Czar rule in Russia lasted nearly 300 years. The first Czar was put into power in 1613 and the last Russian Czar ended his reign in 1917.

What is the difference between oligarchy and autocratic form of a government?

An Oligarchy is government by a few or a dominant class. An Autocratic rule is a despotic rule, a person who claims absolute authority, self ruling and alone.

What type of government did Russian rulers develop?

authoritarian or autocratic rule

What is a repressive law?

autocratic, 1 person rule

Was the main cause of the 1905 revolution in russia its economic backwardness?

Russia's economic backwardness was definitely a key cause, but other key factors included the political situation of the Tsar's oppressive autocratic rule, the terrible living conditions for the peasantry and proletariat (working class), the loss of the Russo-Japanese war, and Bloody Sunday (the catalyst that tipped Russia into revolution.)

What caused Russia to be part of World War 2?

Hitler sold Stalin on the idea that together they could control/ rule the world.

What was the influence on mongol rule on the history of Russia?

Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire. yaahh boi