

Who tried to start the Holocaust?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Hitler and other Nazis decided to start up the Holocaust.

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Q: Who tried to start the Holocaust?
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Did people try to survive during the Holocaust?

Yes, many people tried to survive the Holocaust.

When did the Holocaust denial start?

Holocaust denial began while it was happening, early 40s. The Allies did not believe it until they saw it for themselves. Knowing future generations would be in doubt, they tried to film and document as much as possible.

What happened to the holocaust surviors?

they tried to rebuild their lives.

How did albert speer relates to the holocaust?

He couldn't, he only saw the Holocaust as data on a spreadsheet as he worked in an office. He tried to distance himself from the Holocaust (after the fact).

How did people reacted when the Holocaust started?

tried 2 escape

Why are the people allowing the Holocaust to start again?

The assumption in the question is false. The Holocaust is not 'start[ing] again'.

How did some people try to prevent the Holocaust?

Some people helped individuals during the Holocaust. Nobody tried to 'prevent the Holocaust' - even the Allies did not try to do that.

How was the holocaust the end of modernity?

You could argue that the Holocaust was the start of the modernity.

Was the Holocaust capital punishment?

No, the Holocaust was extermination (mass murder). The victims had not been charged with anything or been tried for anything.

Did the holocaust start in 1942?


Where were the Nazis leaders tried for the Holocaust?

You're probably thinking of Nuremberg, but the trial related to a whole range of issues, not only the Holocaust.

What family was killed to start of the Holocaust?

jews were the first who were killed at the stsrt of holocaust