

Who understands evolution better then Darwin?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Darwin didn't fully understand evolution he came up with the theory.

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Q: Who understands evolution better then Darwin?
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Why was Darwin's theory of evolution better than other theories of evolution?

In a phrase; the mechanism of natural selection.

Why is Darwin's theory of evolution better than Lamrack's?

Darwin's explanation for the fact of evolution was better than Lamarck's explanation and fit the fact of evolution. Natural selection solved much of the species problem, but acquired characteristics did not have the empirical support and explained nothing in the end.

What question did both Lamarck and Darwin try to answer with their theories of evolution?

What is the mechanism that causes evolution. Both knew evolution occurred and occurs but did not know how or why. Lamark's " desire to evolve " and " acquired characteristics " failed to explain evolution. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was the better explanation.

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'Evolution of the fittest by natural evolution' is attributed to Darwin and Wallace. An alternate phrasing might be 'Failure of the least-fit by ... ', which equally (or better) explains the results.

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How did Darwin's theories differ from his predecesors?

By proposing a mechanism for evolution, natural selection, that explained much better than his predecessors how evolution came and comes about.

What is the radiant evolution in Darwin's theory?

Better known as "adaptive radiation", it is independent evolution from a population of a species that has become geographically isolated from its parent population.

What mechanism did Charles Darwin believe caused evolution?

Natural Selection is what Darwin believed was the cause of evolution.

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Who is associated with evolution?

Charles Robert Darwin, though evolution was already known. Darwin came up with an explanation for evolution. Called the theory of evolution by natural selection.

What was the hypothesis that was proposed by Darwin?

Darwin invented the theory of evolution

What are the definitions of Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin only had one theory of evolution, and he defined it in his book On The Origin of Species.