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Q: Who used to want the most free enterprise?
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Where do free enterprise systems sell goods?

In a free enterprise system, enterprises sell goods wherever they want.

What is free enterprise system?

A free enterprise system allows people to open businesses if they want to. It also allows for businesses to compete with each other.

What did Americans want their government to do to help free enterprise?

ya bish

What economic system believes in free enterprise?

Capitalists believe in free enterprise as long as it suits them. When they need to, they want government support and interference too.

What are the majors elements of the free enterprise system?

People are free to buy, sell, and produce whatever they want.

Why has the US modify the free enterprise economy?

It hasn't modified it at all. You want to start a business you can, or invent something new you can, and create a new concept you can. All of this is free enterprise.

Define free enterprise?

Free enterprise is a business right. This right allows a business to compete for profits with limited regulation by the government.

Why did the nation's founding father want the US to have a free enterprise economic system?

They did not want the government to become too powerful.

What is the major drawback free enterprise system?

that people can do whatever they want with the government having little to no control over their choices

What type of terrorists want to destroy economies based on free enterprise and replace them with socialist or communist economic systems?


In the us free enterprise system, property rights give businesses the right to?

sell their property at any price they want (apex)

Why do Americans want the government to intervene in the free enterprise economy?

More people do NOT want more Government regulation or interference than do. However , this administration is deaf to the wishes of the people .