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Q: Who usually hunts for food males or females lions?
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Who hunts for Food males or females lions?

It is usually the lionesses, as a family group, that hunt in a pack.

Who hunts - male or female lions?

To the best of my knowledge it's only the female loins that hunt.

Why do females lions do the hunting?

because the males are lazy

Do lions live together or on their own?

Usually in groups called prides. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males.

What are a group of females lions called?

A group of female lions is a 'pride'. (males are a 'coalition')

What is the masculine of lion and tiger?

Lions are the males and tigers are the females.

Do the male lions hunt or do the female lions hunt?

Females hunt, the males protect the pride.

Do lions have hair around there faces like the lions?

i have no idea i just know that the lion has hair an the lions that have hair are males and not females

What do lions do most of the time?

The females hunt, the males lay around a lot.

Who does hunting in pride of lions?

Mainly the adult females, but the males will participate on occasion.

Would a lion attack another lion?

Yes, but mostly males. Males attack each other unusually to take over another males pride. Also, when new males take over the pride they kill the cubs for the females to reproduce them. Also, males fight over females. Also females attack males and other females to steal meals or just to show off. so that's why lions do attack other lions or lionesses.

Who is more curious teenage males or teenage females?

Usually males