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I'm studying edward Jenner for my history exam on my birthday (': I'm in year 9 but this is what i know so far (:

Edward Jenner was born in 1749 and passed away in 1823. He wasn't a popular man before his discoveries, where after he was named the 'Fathe Of Immunisation'. This meant that he was obviously a wealthy man by the end of his time.

Edward Jenner spent a lot of his time looking back at the discoveries of older medical phenomenons (excuse the spelling) and hardly ever developed any ideas himself. This was until he found out some interesting information about cowpox. He found out that a small dosage of either cowpox or smallpox would prevent and stop the spreading of a larger disease in smallpox. He tested his idea on a young boy named James Phipps, and there after his ideas were published and known worldwide.

Of course, not everybody loved Jenner, as there were some people called Inoculators, who were very angry about this. Inoculators were people who came people inoculations, a type of injection using a different disease to stop or prevent spreading of smallpox, and now, after Jenner's ideas, these people were no longer needed anymore!

Anyway, I hope this stuff it okay (:

Zamboogie (History Geek)

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