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Walter Mondale

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Q: Who was Geraldine Ferraro running mate while running for vice president?
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President Obama was47 when he was elected president

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He was Democratic-Republic I believe

Who was the vice president while warren harding was running for president?

Thomas Riley Marshall from Indiana was serving as vice-president under Wilson in 1920 when Harding ran for president. Harding's running mate was Calvin Coolidge and both were elected.

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mudsliding is the act of ruining another canadites reputation while running for president

Did Robert Kennedy become president?

No- he was assassinated while he running for the Democratic nomination in 1968,

Has Robert f. Kennedy died?

Kennedy was assassinated in California while he was running for president in 1968.

How does the President earn money while campaining?

If you mean like a paycheck. He doesn't. By the time a man gets to that point of running for President he is pretty well off with investments and a nice bank account. The campaign pays for his travel expenses and other needs while he is running for office.

He was Attorney General of the US under his brother He was killed while running for President himself?

Robert F. Kennedy

Who president had a stroke in office and the vice president and first lady ran the country?

Woodrow Wilson had a serious stroke while President and his wife was accused of running the country by the way she controlled access to him.

Why obama was unconventional candidate?

He was unconventional because: # He is not white, like all of our past presidents have been. # He was not well known before he started running for president. Most people running try to get into the spotlight a while before running for president # He appealed to the college-age crowd, who usually do not vote.

What problems did president Johnson face while running the Vietnam war?

He was criticized for excellerating the war