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Q: Who was King and Queen of Spain in colombus time?
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Where did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella live in Spain?

Castile and Grenada, which was the provisional capital of Spain at the time.

Who was the king of Spain in Columbus's time?

king Ferdinand and queen Isabella

Where did Columbus get the money for his journey?

The Spanish Government under Ferdinand and Isabella/

Who were Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand II?

Queen Isabella and King Ferninad were king and queen at the time of Columbus, they gave him permission to explore the new world. Isabel was Queen of Castile and Leon, two kingdoms in Spain. Ferdinand was the King of Aragon, a third kingdom in Spain. They married in 1469 and ruled all three kingdoms together. Eventually they defeated the last of the Moors that had invaded Spain 700 years earlier and drove them from Spain.

King and Queen of Spain?

Spain has had many queens and kings over time. Some of these are Charles I, Philip II, Ferdinand IV, Joseph I, Isabella II, and Amadeo I.

Was Catherine of Aragon french?

Catherine of Aragon was the daughter of the king and queen of Spain at that time

What country did Chirstopher Columbus sail from?

He sailed from Spain, ruled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella at that time.

What group financed the voyage to the New World?

The rulers of Spain at the time, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

What country did chridtopher Columbus sail for?

Colombus (sailing from Spain) expected to reach India when he made the voyage to America instead. Columbus thinking he made it to India, is why we still call the islands of the Caribbean the West Indies.

Who sent Juan Ponce De Leon on his exploration?

It was the King of Spain that commissioned Ponce de Leon to start a settlement in Florida in 1521. The King of Spain at that time was Charles I. He ruled Spain from January 23, 1516 to April 12, 1555.

Who is the king of Spain in 1650?

Ferdinand VI was the King of Spain from 1746 to 1759.

Who was Amerigo Vespucci's sponsor?

Mainly the Monarchs of two of the leading countries at thid time in exploring, Spain's and Portugaul's Kings and Queens.