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Napoleon was fighting the Seventh Coalition consisting of British, Germans, Belgians, and Prussians.

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Q: Who was Napolean fighting in the Battle of Waterloo?
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which battle in which Napolean was finally defeated in 1815?

The Battle of Waterloo.

What year did Napoleon meet his Waterloo?

You do realize that Napolean's waterloo was the Battle of Waterloo. That's were the term comes from. Anyway, Napoleon lost at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815.

Napolean lost at Waterloo what country is this in?


Napolean's final defeat was at the what?

It was at Waterloo in Belgium.

Where did the duke of Wellington defeat napolean?

Waterloo in Belgium.

Did you get paid for fighting in the Battle of Waterloo?

Yes, plus you received the thanks of a grateful nation.

In which country did Napolean meet his Waterloo?

The country is now called Belgium, but in Napoleonic times was part of the Low Countries (separated into Belgium and Holland a few years later). Waterloo is a few miles South of Brussels, which is the capital of Belgium. Waterloo was Napoleon's final battle.

What did napolean do after the empire collapsed?

He was at first exiled to the island of Elba but eventually escaped and returned to France where he tried to retake his empire and was defeated at the battle of Waterloo. He then died in exile.

Why were the two sides of the Battle of Waterloo fighting?

The Seventh Coalition sought to defeat Napoleon on the field of Battle, force him to abdicate and to accept exile.

Was the battle of Waterloo in Belgium or US?

The battle of Waterloo was in Belguim

Did Napolean Bonaparte serve in any New Mexico war?

No. Ok fine, I was just going to give you no, but he also fought against the English from 1805 to 1815 where he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.

When was battle of Waterloo fought?

The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18,1815.