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Q: Who was The first foreign oppressor God used to punish Israel?
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Why would God send the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar to attack and enslaved Judah then punish Nebuchadnezzar after he followed the command of God Jeremiah 25 v 9 to 12?

because although at first His people had forgotten Him, they cried out to Him when they were in captivity so He helped them out of there and forgave them. ANSWER 2: God wanted to punish Babylon before all of this happened. He used them to punish Israel for being rebellious, yes; but he was going to punish Babylon anyway. Once he ejected the nation of Israel out of the Promised Land, then he got back to his original work - punishing Babylon. Now, the real question is, "When will God punish today's nations who don't follow his plan?" If he doesn't punish us, today, then he would have to issue an apology to Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia!

When was the first time Torah translated to Arabic?

It appears that the first translation into Arabic was done by Sa'adia Gaon in the 10th century. The source for this is the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (link below).

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Saul was anointed by Samuel as the first king of Israel.

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The population of First International Bank of Israel is 5,173.

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First International Bank of Israel was created in 1972.

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Who was Israel's 1st king?

Saul was Israel's first king.

Was Paul the first king of Israel?

No. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, Saul was the first king of Israel.

What was the first military coup in Israel?

There have been no military coup in Israel

What was the first kibbutz in Israel?

Degania Aleph was the first Kibbutz in Israel founded in 1909 by a group of Jewish pioneers. The first religious kibbutz was Ein Tzurim, founded in 1946.

Which Arab country first recognized Israel?

The first Arab country to recognize Israel as a state. Under King Hussein of Jordan, a treaty was signed with Israel, which begins trade and diplomatic ties. Therefore, making Jordan the second state to recognize Israel, following the first, which was Egypt.

When your dog bites people how do you punish them?

By asking: 'punish them', it sound like you want to punish the people that got bit. You probably mean how to punish the dog. Usually punishing an animal long after the biting will get no result as the animal will not understand as to why it is being punished. Prevent the animal from biting in the first place and you wont have to punish. if you still mean 'punish the people' then make funny faces at them and threaten to sue them for dental work required to your dog (LOL).