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Aunt Polly.

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Tom Sawyer was interrupted by Aunt Polly when he was showing Jim his sore toe. She scolded Tom for wasting time and not working on his chores.

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Q: Who was Tom Sawyer interrupted by when he was showing Jim his sore toe?
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When Tom is showing Jim his sore toe what happens?

Tom shows Jim his sore toe, and they discuss how it happened. Jim expresses sympathy for Tom's pain and offers some advice on how to treat it, such as soaking it in warm water or applying a mild ointment. They may also joke around a bit about how Tom injured his toe.

What is the black mans name in tom sawyer adventures?

The Black man's name in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is Jim. He is a central character in the novel and is an enslaved African American who becomes a father figure to Tom Sawyer.

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Tom Sawyer initially believed that Jim was a slave and saw him as such. However, after spending more time with Jim on their adventures, Tom came to see him as a caring and trustworthy friend, not just a slave.

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Jim is a character in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" who is a runaway slave and a significant figure in the story. He is kind-hearted and serves as a father figure to Tom, offering guidance and loyalty throughout their adventures. Despite facing prejudice and discrimination, Jim proves to be wise and resourceful in the face of adversity.

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Tom offered to help Jim with his work during the night if Jim would trade jobs with him.

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What has the author Jim Lo written?

Jim Lo has written: 'Intentional Diversity' 'Showing love to others'

Map showing Jim Woods Park in Steubenville OH?

A map for Jim Woods Park in Steubenville can be found at

In Huckleberry Finn Where was Tom Sawyer shot at?

Tom Sawyer was shot in the calf while he and Huck were trying to free Jim from captivity in the Phelps' farm.

Whom do the phelps's mistake huck for?

The Phelps mistake Huck for Tom Sawyer, which leads to confusion and mistaken identity throughout their interactions with him. Huck goes along with the mistake in order to help Jim escape.

When did J im save Tom Sawyer?

When Jim could've left, but instead stays to help Tom because he gets shot.

What is Huck's opinion of slavery?

Huck initially accepts the idea of slavery as a societal norm in the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." However, as he spends more time with Jim, he begins to question the morality of slavery and sees Jim as a fellow human being deserving of freedom. Huck ultimately decides to help Jim escape to freedom, showing his growing belief in the injustice of slavery.