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Q: Who was a foreign ally?
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In the back ally selling E. It's hard to see him, though.

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Ewan Jamieson has written: 'Friend or ally?' -- subject(s): ANZUS Council, Foreign relations, Relations

What has the author John David Meehan written?

John David Meehan has written: 'From ally to menace' -- subject(s): Foreign relations, Relations

What has the author Buchanan Parker Thomson written?

Buchanan Parker Thomson has written: 'Spain, forgotten ally of the American Revolution' -- subject(s): Foreign relations

What foreign leader supported Ronald Reagan's plan to hold firm against communism?

His strongest ally against communism was British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

What nicknames does Ally McCoist go by?

Ally McCoist goes by Super Ally, and Bonnie Prince Ally.

In what year did Ally Financial Inc - ALLY - have its IPO?

Ally Financial Inc. (ALLY)had its IPO in 2014.

Is Electra is Ally from Austin and ally on disney channel?

No Electra is on Get the look Ally is on Austin and Ally and they are not the same person

Who is ally young?

i am ally young NO U CSNT B ALLY YOUNG I AM!

Who plays ally in the show Austin and ally?

Laura Marano plays ally