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The leader of the KKK is known as the Grand Wizard or the Imperial Wizard. James Colescott was the last leader of the KKK, who dissolved the organization in the 1940s to satisfy a half million dollar tax lien.

David Duke was one Grand Wizard of the KKK of Louisiana, sort of a resurrected Klan group. More recently this KKK leader is known as the "National Director." There are now dozens of independent splinter groups calling themselves the Ku Klux Klan, so there is no one single leader over all.

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9y ago

Some KKK leaders from the past are Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Joseph Simmons, and Hiram Wesley Evans. Other past KKK leaders were Samuel Green and James Colescott.

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Yes, they did.

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Q: Did the KKK have a leader?
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