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No she was not a man.

Apart from anything else, there were general feelings at the time that a woman should not be Queen in her own right, other than as the wife of the King. Had she been male, she had no motive to pretend to be female.

There are sufficient persistant issues warranting investigation, which resulted in a TV documentary. It should be noted that a lot of this material is speculation based on further speculation.

In her last will and testament, Elizabeth forbade the performing of an autopsy on her body, and no autopsy was performed. This is a fact and gives rise to suspicion.

Elizabeth wore very heavy makeup and very high collars on her garments. These are facts and in view of the previous, gives rise to further suspicion.

Although contemporary artists may have understandably been kind to her, many of her portraits show pronounced male facial features.

She was never married, at least not in any public way, it was suspected that she may have married secretly.

The speculation begins -

She wore heavy makeup to conceal facial hair, similar to a mans.

She wore high collars to conceal an "adam's apple, similar to a mans.

There is also speculation from a number of sources including her some of her "ladies" and her "very close gentlemen friends" that she had an extremely well developed and large protruding clitoris not altogether unlike a penis.

It should be clearly noted that this is all speculation and will almost certainly never be proven.

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James the first, a man

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