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Q: Who was first president to be called the first leader of the free world?
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Which world leader came up with the program called Star Wars?

U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Who was the first president in the world?

This might surprise you but George Washington was the first national leader to be called the president. The closest examples from history would probably be a tie between Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan. John Hanson was the first President under the Articles of Federation.

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The first president of South Korea, and leader of that nation during the Korean War.

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He became a world leader through his powerful position as U.S. president.

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In The American President, the president has the role of commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, political party leader and a world leader.

Who is first president in the world?

George Washington the 1st President of the United States & was not the first President of the whole world.

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The president was Woodrow Wilson.

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Get out of the White House - X 3

Is Vladimir Lenin a world leader?

No he is not a world leader now because he died in 1924. But I guess at the time you could of called him a world leader in a way.

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The homophone for liter is leader.The leader of the free world is President O'Bama.

What world leader died near the end of World War 2?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the USA US President Roosevelt