

Who was in power before Abraham Lincoln took over?

Updated: 4/3/2020
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9y ago

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The President before Abraham Lincoln was James Buchanan.

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Q: Who was in power before Abraham Lincoln took over?
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Andrew Johnson, who previously served as Abraham Lincoln's vice-president, took over as president following Lincoln's assassination.

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Abraham Lincoln's years in office?

Abraham Lincoln began his first term in 1861 and was assassinated in 1865 before he finished his second term. He was in office for a little over four years.

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Abraham Lincoln was able to unite a nation that was deeply divided when he took over.

Who was president during Abraham Lincoln's first term as president?

Abraham Lincoln was the president during Abraham Lincoln's first term as president. He took over from James Buchanan, the 15th US President.

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Lincoln's dead!! Get over it!

How many years did Abraham Lincoln serve in office before he was assassinated?

Lincoln served just a little over four years. He was killed very early in his second term.

Did abraham own slaves?

Abraham Lincoln did not own any slaves. Aversed towards the practice of slavery from an early age, Lincoln was responsible for its abolishment when he became president.

When Abraham Lincoln was killed did the the civil war start?

No. President Lincoln was assassinated after the Civil War was over.