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Q: Who was inside the Trojan horse when it entered troy?
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What did the Trojan horse do when they got inside troy?

disgorged greek warriors

How did the Greeks get inside the gates of Troy and win the Trojan war?

By saying that the Trojan horse was an offering to the gods

Which city was the Trojan Horse in?

The Trojan horse was pulled into Troy, hence 'Trojan'.

What was the nationality of people inside Trojan Horse?

The Greeks were the people inside the Trojan Horse. The people of Troy thought it was a wonderful gift. This is were the old saying 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth' came from.

How does troy die?

Troy "died" from being defeated by another army. this was done with the help of the Trojan horse. which was a big wooden horse that solders hid inside and defeated troy. (the Trojan horse was crated by Greek warriors and Odysseus came up with the idea.)

How did the Greeks get into Troy with the Trojan horse?

The greeks builded the Trojan Horse and had the mightiest warriors hide inside of it while the rest waited at sea. Than at night the warriors came out if the Trojan Horse and started to destroy troy while the people at sea came to help the greeks.

How did the greeks build the Trojan horse?

Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.

WHY DID Mycenaean soldiers need to use the Trojan horse to capture the city of troy?

Troy is protected by its large wall around the city. It is either the soldiers destroy its wall or go inside the walls of Troy. Then Odysseus thought of building the Trojan horse with a plan of making the Trojans to bring it inside their city.

Where did the word Trojan come from?

A Trojan is a person of Troy, as in Helen of Troy who led the Trojans to war in a (Trojan) horse

What did the Greek build to sneak soldiers inside the city walls of Troy?

A Trojan horse was built. It is a wooden horse which was supposedly a gift for Troy, but full of soldiers. At dark they came out and attacked and burned Troy.

What celebrations did Troy have when the Trojan Horse was wheeled in?

Well in the movie " Troy" They take the Trojan horse to the temple of poseidon (he was sea and horse lord) and they do this dance thingy

What happened to the Trojan horse after the Trojan war?

The Greeks who were inside the stomach of the horse opened the huge gates and the Greeks invaded the city of Troy. the fate of the horse itself is undocumented, but the Greeks could not have removed it so it is reasonable to presume it was left at troy,maybe burnt?